Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our Journey is Ending

BEEP. BEEEEP. BEEEEEEP, BEEEEEEEEEEP. As I slowly roll over and swing my hand at the incessant ringing of the alarm clock, I desperately wish to turn it off, roll over, and go back to sleep cuddled up with our warm and snugly beagle. It is day three of spring quarter and I have two college students to transport (45 minutes away by 8 AM) and one high schooler to teach. That doesn't include the mountain of laundry waiting for me, the rec room that would be more aptly named the wreck room, lunches to pack, dinner to make, church activities this evening, and a husband who is in meetings all day and unable to help with any of it. Thankfully, days like today shouldn't happen too often this quarter. The two in college only have one late day scheduled this quarter. It was two very late days last quarter! And our senior in high school can do his work independently, I am only responsible for helping when he is stuck and checking his work.

As much as I dread that evil alarm clock every morning, I try to remind myself that this is really the last few months we have as a homeschooling family and even as a whole family! In August we will have one child in nursing school, one in engineering school and another going off to culinary arts school. He will live on campus in the dorms so we will be a family of four rather than a family of five. As proud of my children as I am (and trust me I am!), I will miss helping with math, going over their writing assignments, listening to them talk about the books they are reading, trying desperately to follow a conversation about Physics or computers, and having hours of uninterrupted time to enjoy each of my children. While homeschooling has not always been easy and there were days when I would have loved to go back to bed and stay there, it has been an amazing journey and I will always be thankful for the time I got to spend getting to know each of my children and watching them become the people God made them to be.

As they go out into the world to live their own lives, I will miss them more than I would ever have imagined but I will continue to cheer them on, give guidance when they ask for it, and support them in their decisions. The journey isn't over, I'm just no longer the captain of the ship. They must pilot on their own with the help of their Heavenly Father. I pray they will always seek His guidance and will enjoy the journey.

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